Lord of the rings castles
Lord of the rings castles

Bag End was a typical, if somewhat more luxurious than ordinary, hobbit-hole. After Frodo went over Sea, Sam Gamgee and his heirs lived there.

lord of the rings castles lord of the rings castles

From September 3018 until her imprisonment and his death, lobelia and Lotho Sackville-Baggins lived in Bag End, and Saruman made it his headquarters in the Shire. Bungo, Bilbo, and Frodo Baggins lived there. Bag Endīag End was a dwelling in Hobbiton, built about the Third Age 2880 by Bungo Baggins at the end of Bagshot Row. Angband was destroyed after the Battle of the Powers, but its pits were not bared, and Balrogs and other of Melkor's servants hid there during their master's captivity.

lord of the rings castles

Built by Melkor after he destroyed the Two Lamps, Angband was first held by Sauron and was intended to guard Utumno against assault by th Valar. Angband was the great underground fortress, prison, barracks, mines, and factory of Morgoth, located 150 leagues north of Menegroth behind the southwestern corner of the Ered Engrin.

Lord of the rings castles